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The name of the Band shall be the DRIFFIELD SILVER BAND.
This band is established to foster and facilitate the musical aspirations of its members and to further their musical advancement; to encourage the appreciation of band music in Driffield and District; to give concerts and raise funds for its own maintenance and for charities.
A new or returning player maybe invited to attend practice subject to the approval of the MD.Providing there are no objections by other members, they will be invited to apply to formally join the Band within 1 month of their first attendance. The application form will include the new members acceptance of the Band Rules,Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, his/her agreeing to a DBS check as required and abide by any local Risk Assessments regarding Covid 19 and any further Risk Assessments the band are required to follow. The application form will also ask the new member for permission to use their personal information, address, email and telephone details in such things as band contacts lists. If objections are raised then the MD and the committee will discuss the application and any objections and make a ruling regarding the application.
Once completed and signed off by both the player and a member of the committee / MD then the new member will be deemed to have been elected to the membership of the band.
The officers of the Band shall consist of President, Honorary Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Band Sergeant, two Child Protection Officers, Treasurer, Musical Director, and Assistant Musical Director, who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall remain in office until their successors are appointed. Any of the officers of the Band shall be removable at any time by a majority of three fourths of the members present in a Special General Meetingcalled for that purpose. Minimum age for voting by a member to be 14 years.
The Committee of Management shall consist of eight members, i.e. Chairman, Secretary, Musical Director, Treasurer and four other members of the Band (or as agreed at AGM). Four form a quorum. Committee meetings shall be held once a month or more frequently if decided by committee. The members constituting the committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Any member of the committee being absent from three consecutive meetings with-out reasonable cause shall cease to be a member of the committee.
The Committee shall have power to reprimand, suspend or expel any member who shall infringe any rule, or whose conduct shall, in their opinion render him unfit for membership of the Band, but no member shall be suspended or expelled without first being summoned before the committee to explain his conduct, nor unless a majority of two thirds of the Committee present shall vote for his suspension or expulsion.
The Committee shall have power to give orders for such goods to be supplied, and work to be done as may be necessary for carrying out the purpose for which the Band is constituted, but nothing in this rule shall empower the Committee to incur expenditure, except such as is consistent with the purpose for which the Band is established.
There shall be three Trustees who shall have power to scrutinise the books and accounts at any time they wish, after giving due notice to the Secretary. Such Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose and continue in office during the pleasure of the Band, and may only be removable at a General Meeting by a majority of three fourths of the members present.
In the case of a vacancy, another shall be elected at a General Meeting called for that purpose. The duties of the Trustees shall include
(a) General responsibility for the Band property and instruments, and supervision of the Treasurers records re Section 9a.
(b) Responsibility for ensuring that the said property and instruments are adequately insured.
(c) In the event of the Bands dissolution, the collection and checking of the Bands instruments and property pending disposal thereof in accordance with Rule 18 below and the carrying out of such disposal in co-operation with the other concerned Officers of the Band.
A Secretary will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The Secretary shall carry out the directions of the Committee, and subject to such directions, shall receive monies on account of the Band and pay the same to the Treasurer. He shall attend all meetings and take minutes of the proceedings. All business and correspondence shall be brought before the Committee for confirmation. A member of the committee will be nominated by the secretary to deputise in case of absence.
The treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to the Band and shall keep such accounts and pay such expenses of the Band as the committee shall direct, and shall, when required to do so, render to the Committee, or Trustees, or General Meetings, an account of the monies received and expended on behalf of the Band. The Treasurer shall pay all monies received into the Bank and shall withdraw by cheque not more than £30 at any one time as required for Petty cash.
(a) The Treasurer shall keep an up to date inventory of the Band property and instruments to be made available to the Trustees as required in Rule 7a.
There shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in each year, one competent person to audit the books and accounts, and who shall either sign the same as found by them to be correct or shall specially report to the committee in what respects they find them incorrect.
A Musical Director and Assistant Musical Director will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The Musical Director, or in his absence the Assistant Musical Director, will have complete control over the Band at all practices and performances, and any member who shall refuse to obey, or shall use profane language or otherwise misconduct himself/herself will be called upon to explain to the committee the reasons for his/her misconduct. The committee may suspend or expel any such member as provided by Rule 6, and the committee’s decision will be binding and final. A member may be suspended for misconduct or irregular attendance at practice, or if the Musical Director or Assistant Musical Director thinks he/she has insufficient musical ability to become a good playing member.
The committee shall be at liberty to enter into any private engagements for performances by the Band, and they shall be at liberty to apply the whole, or such parts of the proceeds, as they think proper, of such engagements in paying members expenses with respect to travel or loss of time.
Any member having in his possession any property of the Band, shall at any time when required by the Trustees, subject to the approval of the committee or General Meeting, return same to the secretary within seven days from receipt of a written demand. Any member resigning or ceasing to be a member shall relinquish all claims upon the Band, or in any property of the Band, and shall within seven days return to the Treasurer at the Bandroom any property of the Band, that may be in their possession in such condition as shall satisfy the committee. They shall make good any damage to instrument or the band property in their charge.
The Annual General Meeting of the Band shall be held during the months of January or February, on a day fixed by the committee, of which at least fourteen days notice shall be posted on the website.
The business of the meeting shall be
(1) To receive the Committee’s report of the years working.
(2) To receive the Treasurer’s report and statement of accounts and balance sheet.
(3) To elect the officers and officials and committee to serve the ensuing year.
(4) To transact any other business relating to the affairs of the band.
The committee shall have power to call at any time, a Special General Meeting, notice of which shall be given to members at least two days previous to such meeting.
Any member being dissatisfied by any decision of the committee may demand a Special General Meeting by producing a requisition signed by at least seven members of the Band, and which shall be submitted to the Secretary.
The rules may be altered at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose, but notice of any proposed alterations shall be circulated by e-mail for at least seven days prior to the meeting.
No rule may be altered unless such alteration be supported by a clear majority of two thirds of the members present at the meeting.
The Management Committee shall have power to form Sub Committees and to co-opt members to serve on Sub Committees as may be necessary. Such Sub Committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Secretary, and shall conduct their business in accordance with the Management committee.
The Band may at any time be dissolved by the consent of three fourths of its members.
In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Band shall be held by the Trustees for ten years, at the end of which period, if no successor to the Band shall have been formed in Driffield, able, willing and worthy, in the opinion of the Trustees, to take over the Bands assets, the said assets shall be sold and proceeds given to such charity or charities interested in or having as its or their object, or one of its objects, the furtherance of musical knowledge of, and the practice and appreciation of wind instruments as may be decided by the Trustees, who in making their decision shall take account of any recommendation as to such charity or charities passed by a clear majority of one third of the members attending the dissolution meeting.
A deposit account shall be established in the above name, to promote the growth of the original £2000 bequeathed. This shall be added to from time to time as a result of the diver-sion of part or all of the proceeds of Concerts organised for the purpose.
The original sum will be protected in the dedicated account, and only the interest made available for the promotion of Charitable purposes.
Such sums as become available as above will be paid to a member of the Band who proposes to undertake some specified musical educational project which would be of personal benefit, and approved by/of interest to the Band.
Application should be made in writing to the Band Secretary who will make the circumstances known to the committee.
Decision as to the placement of any award will be at the discretion of the Committee, whose decision will be final.
The award will be made publicly, and will be subject to some publicity, which will be of support both to the recipient and the Band, in the context of the Community.