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Equal Opportunities Policy
1. Introduction
This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, management committee members, users and the general public. The Executive Committee of Driffield Silver Band is aware that it has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to provide and maintain a working environment which is accessible and inclusive for all staff, volunteers, management committee members, service users and the general public.
2. Definitions
For the purpose of this document the following definitions will apply:
2.1 Committee Member a person noted as holding an executive position, or as a member of the Driffield Silver Band committee
2.2 Staff a person who is employed by Driffield Silver Band
2.3 Volunteer a person noted as offering volunteer hours towards the aims and objectives of Driffield Silver Bands activities
2.4 Member/Service User participants in activities arranged and conducted by Driffield Silver Band
3. Summary of Principles
3.1 Driffield Silver Band is committed to being an equal opportunities organization that ensures equality of opportunity and fair treatment both as an organization and as a provider of services.
3.2 Driffield Silver Band will: Ensure that all policies and procedures reflect their commitment to equal opportunities Respond constructively to its responsibilities within a charitable/voluntary sector legal framework;
Integrate equal opportunities into its planning process;
Create an ethos of fairness, courtesy and respect that embraces all members of Driffield Silver Band, visitors, service users and the communities which Driffield Silver Band serves;
Encourage the committee and any relevant sub-committees within Driffield Silver Band to review their composition and to consider how they represent and address issues of diversity within the organization Create an environment which is safe, accessible, caring and welcoming;
Work constructively with appropriately recognized organizations, to ensure the effective implementation of this policy;
Ensure that all members are treated fairly in respect of the nature of the objectives, regardless of their:
i. Race
ii. Colour
iii. Nationality
iv. Ethnic or national origins
v. Sex vi. Gender
vii. Marital status
viii. Family responsibilities
ix. Abilities
x. Physical and mental health (including past history)
xi. Age
xii. Sexuality
xiii. Political or religious beliefs
xiv. Socio-economic group
xv. Trade union activity
xvi. Being an ex-offender[1]
Ensure that all staff and volunteers are included on the basis of their abilities and the requirements of the task and are recruited in a non-discriminatory manner;
Ensure fair treatment for:
i. All members and service users;
ii. Everyone who is entitled to use any of Driffield Silver Bands services and facilities;
Develop opportunities in and approaches to, services that take into account patterns of under-representation with a view to encouraging, where possible, greater diversity within Driffield Silver Bands activities;
Monitor and review regularly the operation of this policy.
4. Application of the Equal Opportunities Principles to all Members
4.1 Policy Operation
In choosing the media and wording to be used in advertising and literature, Driffield Silver Band will be informed by the outcomes of its equal opportunities monitoring Driffield Silver Band will respond constructively to requests from service users with disabilities and additional needs
No service user should be unfairly treated on the grounds listed in section 3 (summary of principles), or on any other unreasonable grounds
Driffield Silver Band will:
a. Monitor and keep under review its application procedures and make every reasonable effort to ensure that these reflect best practice;
b. Identify and address any barriers in the application process;
c. Monitor and keep under review local customs and practices;
d. Ensure fairness in the terms and conditions on which services are offered.
4.2 Organisational Culture
Driffield Silver Band will make reasonable efforts to provide an environment where the ethos, standards and practices are conducive to the well being of all staff, volunteers, members and service users
5. Application of the Equal Opportunities Principles to Service Users
5.1 Admissions
No person will be treated less favourably on those grounds listed in section 3 (summary of principles), or any other unreasonable grounds
Driffield Silver Band welcomes applications from people with disabilities or additional needs Driffield Silver Band will: Develop marketing and promotion strategies based on a sound understanding of the diverse information needs of service users and the local community;
Ensure that publicity material, events and information services are relevant and accessible to all applicants;
Ensure that publicity material, events and information services communicate effectively Driffield Silver Band commitment to equal opportunities Pay particular attention to language, wording, images, content and format
6. Ethos
6.1 Driffield Silver Band welcomes and values diversity in its staff, volunteers, members and service users
6.2 All members are expected to work in ways that promote equal opportunities
6.3 Driffield Silver Band seeks to create an atmosphere that is tolerant and respectful of differences and encourages all members of Driffield Silver Band to explore and value diversity 6.4 A commitment to equal opportunities is expected of all members of Driffield Silver Band The following legislation and regulations provide the legal framework for Equal
Opportunities policy and practice:
Relevant Government Legislation
Equal Pay Act 1970 & (Amendment) Regulations 1983
Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 & 1986
Race Relations Act 1976 Race Relations Code of Practice 1984
Code of Good Practice on the Employment of Disabled People 1990
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 & (Amendment) Act 1976
Data Protection Act 1988 Working Time Regulations 1998
National Minimum Wage Act 1998
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Code of Practice (Disability Discrimination) 1996
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999
Maternity and Parental Leave etc Regulations 1999
Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
Fixed Term Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2001
[1] Certain offences committed will exempt the offender from working with children, young people or vulnerable adults.